Mobile CRM: are you already a digital company?

Mobile CRM: are you already a digital company?

Mobile CRM: are you already a digital company?

Why put a special focus on mobile use of the CRM solution on devices such as iPhone, iPad and Android devices. But why should you use mobile CRM at all in your company?

If your company works with sales representatives - be they salespeople or technicians and customer support:
How do these employees have access to relevant customer data?
Can your employees' query interview reports, payment agreements, and invoice runs quickly and efficiently while on the go?
Are your sales representatives able to access not only their own but also the relevant calendar entries of colleagues in order to make appointments with customers quickly and effectively?
Can sales opportunities and service cases be viewed and processed while on the move?
Would it help you if you had real-time data and statistics from contact management available anytime, anywhere?

Also Read: How does CRM affect how we will work in the future?

Mobile CRM: are you already a digital company?

If you have thought something like “that sounds exciting” or “if we could, that would make our work a lot easier” on one or more of these questions, then you should consider implementing a mobile CRM solution in your company In addition to the mentioned access to relevant customer data, it offers you further advantages So a mobile CRM solution keeps its usual look and feel. This means that your employees can continue to work mobile as usual with a solution that is already adapted to your company processes.

In addition, numerous mobile devices will be supported by mobile CRM solutions, a high level of data security will be guaranteed. Both on the actual end device and during transmission to the desktop software on the company servers.

But even if your company has a manageable sales force, mobile CRM may make sense:

Also Read: Zoho CRM free
Back office employees also have access to the data of their customers and contacts from home or on the go. Even within the company - be it in the conference room or in the coffee kitchen, employees can quickly access meeting reports or synchronize appointments in meetings or in casual exchange with colleagues.

Mobile CRM works just as well on the company corridor as it does on the motorway.

You can find more related information in our other posts.

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