European CRM Methodology

European CRM Methodology

European CRM Methodology

This is a case of European CRM Methodology, that completed a successful pilot of Customer marketing software, analytical tools, and training packages slated for fast roll-out in the Benelux, England, France, and Germany.

  • A 22% turnover increase with no increase in marketing costs.
  • A decrease in customer defection rates.
  • Twice as many customers who are highly satisfied with sales and service contacts.
  • Measurably more teamwork and customer orientation among your managers and staff.

Would you have been happy with these results? If so, you will want to know more about the CRM methodology called Customer Marketing. Because these were the key results of a pilot project, sponsored by the European Commission, to evaluate Customer Marketing's effectiveness in different European cultures.

The Customer Marketing methodology was first developed in the early 1990s by Jay Curry and his Amsterdam-based consultancy company, MSP Associates. Curry's book on Customer Marketing has been published in the Netherlands, UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Portugal.

In 1995, MSP Associates joined forces with Databank SpA in Milan, specialists in customer satisfaction research. The purpose was to get ESPRIT funding for validating the methodology and refinement of the Customer Marketing software, diagnostic tools, and training packages. They formed a consortium with end-users, PTT Telecom (now KPN Telecom) and Telecom Italia, who was intrigued by early results of the Customer Marketing methodology.

After months of struggling through the ESPRIT bureaucracy and nail-biting selection process, the consortium finally reached their goal. November 1st, 1996 marked the beginning of Project ACUMAP (an acronym for A Customer Marketing Pilot) which had these objectives and results:
Objective: Evaluate the Customer Marketing methodology through a controlled pilot implementation in the SME marketplace in a northern region of the Netherlands (Assen) and to validate the methodology's transferability to other cultures, by the way, a shadow pilot in Bologna, Italy. (The rationale: if it works in Assen and it works in Bologna, it will work anywhere in Europe!).

Results: Remarkable increases in customer performance and customer satisfaction, as noted above. And the positive experience in Bologna inspired a roll-out to other districts (Como and Calabria).

Objective: Upgrade the quality of the Customer Marketing software, analytical tools, and training materials to a level desired by large and multi-national companies.

Results: Project ACUMAP deliverables included tools which were approved by the review panel:

Customer Performance Tools: to analyze the performance of your customers as measured by satisfaction, behavior, and profitability. They then support the planning of activities and actions.

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